Kingdom Gospel Mission
For the loving rule of Christ in the nations.The Call
The divine call to the Lord’s people has always been to behold and follow the Lamb of God wherever He may go. The Lord invited us to walk with Him in a land rich with biblical history, the land from which He called forth Abraham. Mesopotamia is a region that encompasses modern-day eastern Syria and Turkey, all of Iraq and part of western Iran. We relocated our family to Iraq and have been serving the Lord here since 2012.
The Mission
The Great Commission is the church’s expression of loving loyalty to the Lamb of God and His eternal gospel. Our mission is in partnering with Christ for revival and the building up of a glorious church in the Middle East. We do so by ministering to the Lord as a priesthood in the place of worship and prayer, proclaiming and demonstrating the gospel to those who do not yet know Him in the power of the Spirit and raising disciples, a one new-man expression of sons and daughters in the faith with a multi-generational perspective.
Jesus said His earthly habitation was to be called a “House” of “Prayer” for “Nations.”
Our Values
The Lord inhabits living stones, His temple is made up of His people. A people that are defined by;
Family and covenant relationships.
First love priority for communion with the Lord and His living Word.
The urgent witness of the gospel, walked out in rest, as we eagerly anticipate His return.

Who We Are
David and Danielle are the founders of Kingdom Gospel Mission. They have served the Lord together in world missions, teaching and equipping believers in a ministry school setting and serving the Lord as leaders in the local church. They have been married for nineteen years and have four children together. Their family currently lives in northern Iraq.